Greed, Merchandising, Endorsement ... the Dark Side are they
I would like to interrupt your regularly scheduled intellectual ramble to point out that Darth Vader, dark lord of the Sith, does not buy slurpees at Seven-Eleven, hire MnM's or challenge the Burger King to staring contests. Thank you George Lucas for not only producing the most insipid, incoherent prequels known to man but then whoring out my idols to any commercial wanting character rights without actually having to hire an actor. Here's a hint, Lucas: you're trying to drum up interest in a film more anti-climatic than Titanic and the closest thing you have to Leonardo DiCaprio is Hayden, who will spend half the film stomping around in a plastic suit committing acts of genocide. We already know what happens to the protagonists of Revenge of the Sith and thanks to the goddamn spoilers you leaked to anyone who would listen, I already know more than obvious introspection would grant. Oh, and for fuck's sake man, who allows the novel and graphic novel adaptations of his crowning work to be released two months before the film itself? Now the wonder of the film dies a little bit every time some asshat on the boards forgets how to code the HTML for spoiler tags. Lucas, the Sith are calling, they want their avarice back.