Intellectual Property
I do not own the Beatles. I do not own the Beatles. Of all the things to be worried about, as I am driving home tonight, exhausted, the most frustrating thing in the world is that Jessie's Xanga reported she was listening to the Beatles 1 album. I feel this overwhelming possesiveness, this need to declare that conservatives shouldn't be allowed to listen to my Beatles, as though I have some supreme understanding of their music because when I listen to CSNY I physically ache with certainty that this is not my era. Even as I fume over this, I cannot believe it is actually bothering me; how utterly absurd. When I love some book or song or film and discover that others have found it as well and they are saying terribly sophomoric things about it or simply loving it for the wrong reasons, I want to fight, defend its honor. It's easy to brush aside the attacks of those who couldn't possibly understand me and my favorite things, but when they start to damn my passions with faint praise, it intimidates, calls into question. I feel like a horrible person. But maybe I'm just human.